Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Khanquah Asadi Muradiya

Zikr is conscious remembrance of the Divine through the greatest gift of nature to human beings — the mechanism of rhythmic breath. The breath in turn enhances human experience of its own self. Repetition becomes subconscious and meditative. You rise above worldly thought. How you let this work on you is through total submission. By not expecting anything. By just letting yourself flow with time. 

Just try and reinvent nothingness by expecting nothing and see its enormity. Empty yourself of everything. Let the mind become still. Ten thousand things rise and fall while the Self watches their return. They grow and flourish and then return to the source. Returning to the source is stillness, which is the way of nature. 

Zikr is regeneration of our inner perception to sense inner structures and energies of mind and body. It is a welcoming of hitherto unconscious fragments of oneself into a new sense of discovery, wholeness, and inner growth. It not only helps prevent many of the physical and psychological problems that have become endemic to modern life, but also supports our own inner growth and engagement with Self and the Divine. Each sound, like each colour, has a deep effect on oneself and it is the repetition that makes this possible. 

Zikr literally means reciting one or some of the names of God, . The recitation links the conscience, the mind with heart. This helps to penetrate the mysteries behind the veil of visible existence. We understand creation through attributes given to Allah. Reciting the names of Allah makes one enter a trance-like state in which the Self is lost. But the Self is rewarded with indescribable sights. It is the reinforcement of faith in His Unity. There is none existent, save He. There is nothing seen, save He. There is no god but God….


1 comment:

  1. Though i am a hindu, but the way things have been said about divinity is worth it...great work!!!
